Sunday, September 07, 2008

election time

Well, the stage is set and the game of politics is on. Make no bones about it, I am voting for Obama and Biden. There are several major reasons for this:

1. The power of incumbency is too great for the republicans to create real change. There will be too many residues from Bush that they cannot get rid of and these rats must be flushed out of Washington.
2. McCain is 72. My Dad died at 72. I do not believe that there is any person at 72 that has enough vigor for this job. Especially not a man that has had melanoma. He is a good man, just not the man for the job.
3. It is the youth of this country that must bear the brunt of dealing with the major issues of our time, clean energy, the allocation of the commons, social justice, etc., globally. We need someone that can represent both generations.
4. Pallen is an abomination. This is a family that thinks it is OK to bring 5 children into the world. If every family on the planet had 5 children, we would all be over run. She says that this choice is a family choice and yet she want to legislate such choice for others. Nutcase. George Bush has shown us what an anti-intellectual, god fearing, fundimentalist can do. Do we want more?
5. Obama is smart. He is well educated. He is vigorous. He represents his generation. He has Joe Biden.
6. I do not think most people want less government. I think they want a government that works. We have seen what happens when the private sectors is given the power to make socially correct decisions. Fanny Mae and Mac are great examples. We will not hear the republicans fight this govt. takeover because its the only way to stop this private sector, poorly run trillion dollar business from crashing our economy. The airlines are next and maybe GM. People will expect the govt to step in and fix it because the market has no soul and no social definition.

This can go on and on. Obama will make mistakes. He will not make severe ones because in his own way he is conservative and he will have great advisors. What he does have going for him is can link more that 5 words together, he reads, he understands the issues of health care and environment, and he understands the importance of local economies. He understands that we are in a rapidly expanding global circumstance, and that we must dialogue with everyone, friends and enemies.

I have had enough republicans, its time to give the other party a chance. How much worse could they screw it up?