Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Post election blues

I have not posted for a while, as work, life and the pursuit of happiness have gotten in the way. I must say how disappointed I am with the lack of productive dialogue on topics that matter during this presidential election. I thought the debates were good, but it appears to me that the American people forgot how poorly Bush represented himself in the debates and how foolish we must look to the rest of the world.

There was no true debate on energy issues, no significant message of hope for future generations, no vision on anything but keeping the status quo. America is riding on the coattails of a fool...and he is now our fool again for 4 more years. If he keeps up the pace on spending, it will not be long before our bonds are worthless and we will see an economic decline such as not been seen since the 1930's.

I weep for our country that turns to fundamental religion for easy answers for difficult questions. Soon, there will be no difference between the fundamental religious fervor of Christian right and the Muslims. In the end it will be who runs out of assets first. Will it be the US and its bomb-debt or the Muslims and their oil...Either way, welcome to more chaos, uncertainty and more unhappiness. Welcome to Bush, Act two.